The NO-FLINCH CINCH, by Len Brown is made of 2 layers of Black Bridle Leather lined with smooth long lasting 1/4" shoe sole crepe. Stainless Buckles rotate to the angle needed to keep your saddle in place back of the shoulders. The BUCKLES are now held by Bridle leather and Nylon Seat Belt Webbing. They are now riveted and stitched through all 3 layers of the Leather and Seat-belt webbing> to provide the ULTIMATE in STRENGTH. This Cinch is a firm 7.75" at the sternum & Elbow area narrows to 2.25". It bends slightly rounder at the flat of the ribs to stop the PINCH like other girths have. The Cinch is measured end to end not Buckle to Buckle SO SUBTRACT 1.5" from lengths listed to COMPARE to a regular Cinch length. The NO-FLINCH CINCH has many advantages over the flat strap cinches. It doesn't bite in on the Sternum nor the leading edges at the flat of the ribs. It provides ample clearance for the Elbows as well. It is only 2,25 inches wide there. The Cinch LENGTH is MEASURED END TO END as the whole cinch is holding to the horse.
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