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The SADDLE Positioner,

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  • Regular price $249.00

This is the only way to hold a saddle back of the shoulders>in the downhill or riding on the flat. You will find it makes your horse to work off the hindquarters at all times. Collection is natural and immediate & the horse will be lighter on the bit. This is how the Spanish Riding School does their training. A Britchen loosens in the downhill, where any crupper tightens some in the downhill. If you were to tighten a traditional crupper enough to hold a saddle back of the shoulders in the downhill, it is then too tight when riding on the flat. The animal can't take solid hits on it's tail every stride & Bucking is the result. This leaves the horseman with nothing that really works to position a saddle in the downhill or riding on the flat. Understanding this problem I decided to solve it. The 4 layers of 3 inch H/D ELASTIC webbing in my Crupper never puts a hard hit on the tail. There is 10" of adjustment with 1" leather strap and buckle & snap. The horse’s croup is protected from movement by a smooth leather sleeve that houses the elastic. The molded leather tailpiece is flax seed filled. Attachment has been strengthened with 2 hinged small brass Clasps that are riveted on via solid copper rivets. Horses Reach with the hind  immediately as every inch of stretch ads 5lbs of tension. Starting adjustment gives 15lbs of tension to the tail. THIS UNIT PROVIDES BETTER SADDLING FOR EVERY SADDLE & HORSE. IT IS THE MOST IMPORTANT SADDLING DEVICE I'VE INVENTED IN 20 YEARS. LEN BROWN

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