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Half Breed Patriot

  • Sale
  • Regular price $1,349.00

Includes: PROTECTOR PAD with Liner Pad & Balance shims. Border Tooling with Partial Baby Basket tooling. Bucking rolls, Floral Skirt tooling are optional.  

Half Breed Patriot has a slick fork from the Ortho-Flex Caliente model. It has a 7" gullet and has the same English bars and cantle like the regular Patriot and Cowboy Dressage. Cinch securely with a 3-position western IN-FLAP RIGGING.  The bottom of the tree is covered with a black suede split leather which adheres to the pad quite nicely. Like the Patriot it is the flap that holds your saddle to the horse for the ultimate close contact.  The 50% Deposit Shown SCHEDULES YOUR SADDLE, CALL LEN TO FINISH YOUR ORDER & DETAILS ON SADDLE. 816-806-4742


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