The PEGA saddle pictured is a 16" & is only 25" long. The 15" and 14" PEGA saddle skirts are 24" long. The BLACK MESA TREE has no-pinch-twist bars that get a hold of the round back & don't pinch withers. The open center channel is deep enough for a Ridge backed Donkey or Mule. The tree has a fiberglass built in ground seat & lifetime guarantee. The fork is smaller than used on the BORN MULE saddle. Stirrups strap Loops are designed for the seat size and rider's leg length. Len figures this consulting with you on the saddle details before making the tree. Sitting the TROT is effortless with your legs under you.
The PEGA saddle has full forward double rigging & special PROTECTOR pad and 3" flank cinch. Call me @ 816 806 4742 TO SPEC-OUT YOUR SADDLE & get it sized to fit you & your Donkey or Mule. I appreciate your confidence in my ability to build the best saddle for you & your Donkey that you've ever owned. PRICE SHOWN IS A 50% DEPOSIT TO START YOUR CUSTOM SADDLE.